5 reasons to choose a DJ for your wedding

Choosing entertainment for your reception is up there with the big decisions you’ll need to make, along with the venue, celebrant, food & drink, and your photographer. Music has the power to bring people together and it will absolutely define the mood of your big day.

Firstly, a universal truth: people love dancing at weddings. For many people a wedding is one of the very few chances they get to dance, and there are simply less rules – people just want to have fun! No one is trying to be cool, and you have permission to dance to the hottest, or daggiest music you want (Gangnam Style anyone?).

Recently, more people are coming to Orange DJs because they have a real vision about how they want their wedding to go. From these conversations there are some factors I thought I would share:

1. Repertoire

One of the biggest challenges planning your music is finding something that will appeal to all your guests. Bands are usually fantastic across some core genres but fundamentally have a limited range of songs they can play. Hiring a DJ means you can really shape the night however you want. A good DJ can take you from 90s Hip Hop to modern Pop in a flash.

2. Stamina

How many gigs have you been to where the band has played for 3 hours? None? That’s what I thought. Recently more of my bookings are for weddings where the focus is really on the party element, and ensuring the dancefloor rocks all night. More of my customers are choosing longer 3 hour sets which really gives time and space to play lots of music to your guests. A 3-hour set is perfect for a DJ, but usually pretty hard for a band to deliver

3. Atmosphere

Nothing can replace the energy of a live band. Seeing the alchemy of musicians, playing instruments, creating something greater than the sum of the parts is what live music is all about.  A band is great for creating a climax moment, and are rightly the focal point of an evening. A DJ can build energy more slowly (well, a good DJ can) and ensure that everyone is into the party throughout the night. There is also something a little more “club”, about a DJ – it brings a focus to the dancefloor. Equally, playing a spotify playlist lacks the energy and focus a DJ can bring, and can leave your night feeling “flat”.

4. Cost

Bands are by nature more expensive than DJs for some very simple reasons. Firstly, there are more people in a band, all of whom would prefer to be paid (musos have to eat too!). Secondly, bands require a lot more equipment, all of which costs money; amplifiers, guitars, drums, pianos – a band is nothing without instruments. Finally, given the number of performers and instruments, bands also need a more comprehensive PA system to bring their sound to life. Usually there are more speakers, amplifiers, cables, fold-back wedges, microphones and even someone on the mixing desk to get the sound just right.  When hiring a DJ you are hiring one person with less equipment and a much simpler PA set-up.

5. Flexibility

Hiring a DJ gives you so many choices throughout your event. Set-up is faster, space required is smaller, it’s possible to move a DJ to various points around your venue and you can easily integrate your MC, speech and microphone requirements into the single (much cheaper) PA system. You can be extremely prescriptive about the music you want to hear and a good DJ will deliver exactly the vibe you want

So hopefully that gives you some things to consider. At the end of the day your decision is extremely personal and a reflection of what you as a couple want to experience, and share with your friends and family. There are not right or wrong choices - the main thing is that you have fun!